Goat Anatomy

Goat Anatomy

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Baka-Baka Lembu Di Malaysia

Baka-baka yang biasa dipelihara untuk daging di Malaysia adalah:
  • Kedah Kelantan (K-K)
  • Kacukan Komersial Australia (Australian Commercial Cross)
  • Kacukan Friesian-Sahiwal (Mafriwal)
  • Local Indian Dairy (LID)
  • Droughtmaster
  • Brahman.

a) Kedah-kelantan (KK)

  1. Warna coklat kekuningan atau hitam
  2. Baka lembu pedaging tempatan
  3. Sangat sesuai dengan iklim dan persekitaran negara ini

b) Brahman

  1. Berasal dari India
  2. Berwarna putih, kelabu, merah
  3. Mudah dikenali kerana ada bonggol di tengkuk dan telinga panjang
  4. Mudah beradaptasi dengan persekitaran
  5. Berat dewasa mencapai 181 kg semasa umur setahun


c) Hereford / Hereford x KK

  1. Hereford tulen atau kacukan dengan baka tempatan seperti KK
  2. Kebanyakannya mempunyai tanduk pendek dan tebal serta agak berpintal
  3. Kadar kelahiran sehingga 73%
  4. Jinak, cepat membesar dan daging berkualiti tinggi


d) Droughtmaster

  1. Hasil kacukan Brahman dengan Shorthorn.
  2. Berasal dari Utara Australia.
  3. Jenis lembu daging yang sesuai dengan negara tropika ini berwarna coklat atau merah gelap.
  4. Matang bila mencapai umur purata 630 hari.
  5. Purata umur ketika beranak pertama ialah 918 hari.
  6. Berat mencapai lebih kurang 330 kg apabila mencapai umur 2 tahun.


e) Kacukan Komersial dari Australia (Australian Commercial Crosses)

  1. Dihasilkan di Australia, hasil kacukan berbagai jenis lembu pedaging.
  2. Antara jenis-jenis yang terlibat ialah Brahman, Shorthorn dan Hereford.
  3. Lembu-lembu jantan muda dari baka ini mudah didapati dengan bilangan yang banyak, dan harga yang berpatutan.


f) Local Indian Dairy (L.l.D.)

  1. Campuran jenis-jenis Kangayan x Hallikar x Ongole dari India.
  2. Dianggap jenis tempatan, kerana ada yang bercampur dengan darah lembu KK.
  3. Jenis susu yang boleh juga disesuaikan dengan lembu daging.
  4. Lembu baka ini berwarna di antara keputihan kepada kehitaman dan kekuningan kepada cokelat gelap. 
  5. Boleh hidup dalam keadaan rumput sederhana.
  6. Tahan kutu dan jangkitan penyakit.
  7. Berat matang ialah 280 kg.
  8. Anak yang dilahirkan ialah di antara 18- 20 kg beratnya.

g) Kacukan Friesian Sahiwal (Mafriwal)

  1. Berwarna hitam kemerahan.
  2. Hasil kacukan antara betina jenis Friesian dan jantan jenis Sahiwal.
  3. Dihasilkan di New Zealand dan Australia untuk dipelihara di Malaysia.
  4. Boleh mengeluarkan susu 1,500-2,000 kg.
  5. Purata berat anak semasa lahir 24 kg dan berat matang ialah 360 kg.
  6. Purata kenaikan berat badan dalam lingkungan 0.37 kg sehari.


Ciri-ciri pemilihan baka yang baik

1. Penjantan:
  • Lembu jantan berumur 1 tahun setengah
  • Sifat fizikal lembu yang baik - tidak cacat
  • Keturunan genetik yang bagus
  • Libido yang tinggi
  • Organ pembiakan yang baik dan normal

2. Induk betina:

  • Induk betina sudah berumur 1 tahun
  • Sifat fizikal lembu yang baik - tidak cacat
  • Keturunan genetik yang subur
  • Cepat membiak
  • Organ pembiakan yang sempurna

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Malaysian's Goats

These are some types of goat in Malaysia.

1. Jamnapari Goat 

There is a large variation in color but the typical Jamnapari is white with patches of tan on the neck and head. Their heads tend to have a highly convex nose, which gives them a parrot-like appearance. They have long flat drooping ears which are around 25 cm long. Both sexes have horns. The udder has round, conical teats and is well developed.They also have unusually long legs.

The Jamnapari male can weigh up to 120 kg, while females can reach around 90 kg.
The average lactation yield per day has been found to be slightly less than two kilograms. Jamnapari meat is said to be low in cholesterol.

During the winter they will spend more than 90% of their time grazing, although this falls to around 55% in the hot Indian summer. The breed browses on bushes, tree leaves and the top of grasses rather than typical ground grazing. Their mean heart rate was found to be 127 ± 3.46 in one study.

2. Boer Goat

Boer goats commonly have white bodies and distinctive brown heads. Some Boer goats can be completely brown or white. Like the Nubian goat, they possess long, pendulous ears. They are noted for being docile, fast-growing, and having high fertility rates. Does are reported to have superior mothering skills as compared to other goats. Mature Boer bucks weigh 110–135 kg, and mature does weigh 90–100 kg.
A high-quality buck can produce high-quality offspring even when mated with an average doe. Boer goats tend to gain weight at about the same rate as their sire, so a buck from a proven fast-growing bloodline will command the highest price, as its offspring will tend to also be fast growers.

3. Saanen Goat


Saanen goats are a white or cream-colored breed of goat, named for the Saanen valley in Switzerland.
They are among the most popular dairy goat breeds, due to their high productivity and ease of management.

Saanans are generally white or cream-colored, although breed associations prefer pure white. Their coats are usually short and fine, with occasional longer fringes on the back and hindquarters. Due to their light coloration, they can be sensitive to harsh sunlight and hot climates. Darker-skinned animals are better able to handle these conditions. The Sable Saanen is not a crossbreed, but is a recessive expression of color derived from the white Saanen. Sables can vary in color from beige through black, with almost any color but pure white (which would be a white Saanen). Sables are accepted as a breed in their own right in some dairy goat breed clubs, but not in others.


These is FAINTING GOATS funny video. A myotonic goat, otherwise known as the fainting goat, is a domestic goat whose muscles freeze for roughly 10 seconds when the goat feels panic. This Fainting Goat does not have in Malaysia.